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Dead Cheat - Page 3 Empty Re: Dead Cheat

Thu Aug 03, 2023 10:32 pm
10 stars out of 5!  loved it!!
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Dead Cheat - Page 3 Empty Re: Dead Cheat

Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:55 pm
The twins had come home with a script for the play. The teachers had already reviewed it, and felt it was safe. Kai wasn't crazy about the script herself, but didn't worry much about it- too focused on helping the twins learn their lines. They practiced with her everynight, right up until the day of the auditions.

When the day for auditions came around, Kai was busy writing, and had her alarm set. She had started dinner in the crockpot. It was a pizza casserole that she made once in a blue moon . The kids loved it, but didn't get it often. Kai thought that today would be a good day for it.

As she wrote, her stomach growled. She decided to make a ham and cheese sandwich and fried it up. While she ate, Horatio called.

"Well hello handsome," she answered, smiling. "To what do I owe the honor of this call?"

On the other end of the line, Horatio smiled too. He loved surprising Kail like this; it always made his heart skip a beat when she answered the way she did. "Well hello, beautiful; did I interrupt your writing?" he asked

"No," Kai said smiling. "I was just eating something before getting ready to go. I've got a pizza casserole in the crockpot for the kids. It's one of their favorites"

"It sounds amazing," Horatio said. "Would you still like Calleigh and I to be tehre at the auditions?"

"Yes," she said. "I would like that very much. She poked at her sandwich and sighed. "You know," she said. "I've looked over the script several times now. It looks okay," she added, not sounding very enthusiastic. "I mean, it's not very accurate in terms of what go we go through on a daily basis, but I guess it will work for a children's school play."

Horatio listened to Kai's concerns about the play. "Maybe," he said. "Maybe we can have the twins' classes each come down to visit the PD and see what we really do."

"I think that's a great idea," Kai told him. "And it would give me a chance to see everybody again. "I'll even be polite to Alex."

"Maybe," Horatio said. "Just maybe I'll talk to the teachers and Mrs. Garcia about it."

Kai's alarm went off. "I should get ready to go," she told Horatio, finishing her sandwich. "I'm done eating, and I need to get the twins' clothes ready. I'll see you and Calleigh there soon?"

"Of course," Horatio told her as he smiled. "We'll see you at the school soon. I love you, Kailani."

"I love you too, Horatio" she replied, also smiling. Horatio's voice sent shivers down her spine; it had ever since the first day she met him. His velvet voice was her weakness.

Since Kai was done eating, she cleaned her plate and went to get ready to go to the school. She made sure to get the twins' clothes ready, so they could get into character for the auditions.

She finished getting ready and grabbed their clothes, then got her shoes on. Before she headed out the door, shemade sure she had her phone and keys. It didn't take long to get to the school, and when she arrived, she checked in at the office. Class hadn't ended for the day yet, so Kai sat in the office and read over the script once more. The more she re-read it, the less she liked it.

Out in the hall, the bell rang. The 4th grade classes stayed behind for the auditions; the rest of the kids were either escorted to the busses or walked walked hom. At the sound of the bell, Kai left the office and found the tiwns, giving them both their clothes to change into.

While the kids were changing, Horatio and Calleigh came in. They checked in with Mrs. Garcia at the office before going to the gym, where they found Kai. She was looking at the script again, and Horatio could tell from the look on her face that she wasn't happy with it. "Hey beautiful," Horatio said. "Is something wrong?"

"This script," Kai said sighing with disappointment. "I’m just not very happy with it. I don't know if I can support this play." She then handed the script over to him and let him look through it.

He looked it over and frowned, just like Kai had. "Well, it's not great," he admitted. "But this is good for now. It's a fourth-grade play; I'm sure it will be alright."

Kai wasn't sure about it, but she nodded. When the three fourth grade classes came into the gym, she put on a smile.

Mrs. Garcia welcomed the classes to the auditions. "Alright, so," she said. "I hope you all have been practing your lines for this play, I'm super excited for it, and I know the teachers are as well"

The kids answered, - some noddding and some shouting to say yes they had practiced. They were excited about the play. After Mrs. Garcia and Kai, Mr. Suzuki, and Miss Jones had all talked with each other, they had asked the new 4th grade teacher if her class would like to participate in the play as well.

Kani, dressed for the auditioin, saw some of his old classmates. He wished them good luck in the play. The auditions started off according to the schedule that the twins' teachers came up with. Kai, Mr. Suzuki, and Miss Jones wrote down which students they thought were the best for the lead roles of Horatio and Calleigh.

When it was Kani and Bella's turn, they stood in front of the adults and started their audition. The lines started off innocently enough, until Bella veered from the script. "Horatio," she said to Kani. "The bullet doesn't match the gun. Looks like this is a secondary dump."

"Whoa, whoa!" Miss Jones said. "Bella, that's not okay."

"What's not okay?" Bella asked. "This is the kind of stuff Hoartio and Calleigh do every day. Calleigh is a weapons specialist."

Miss Jones turned to look at the three CSIs. "Is this true?" she asked. "Do you guys deal with guns and stuff everyday?"

"Yes, we do," Kai said. "I was a biological specialist. That means I dealt with biologicals everyday. Which means, I dealt with blood, skin, urine, spit. I loved every second of it. There are guns involved, but that's just a small part of it."

"Bella is right," Calleigh chimed in. "I am a weapons specialist, I look for striations on the bullet to help matach it to the gun it came from. But, like Kai said, guns are just a small part of the job of a CSI. We analyze finger prints, blood samples, bodily fluids, DNA..."

"Every case is different, unique,." Horatio added. "I don't make my team do it alone, I jump in there and help. We analyze tire tracks, the water, even if it is from the swamp, houses. We have to focus on what the evidence tells us before we make an arrest."

Mrs. Garcia listened to the three of them carefully. "I hear what you guys are saying, but if we can avoid mentioning guns, if at all possible, it would be greatly appreciated."

Kai was a little annoyed with the interruption, and Mrs. Garcia's response, but didn't let it bother her too much. "Mrs. Garcia, and teachers," she said. "I would like to suggest a field trip after this play. Maybe all three 4th grade classes can go down to the MDPD crime lab and see what goes on. One class could go at a time- three classes, so that would be three days in a row. I would go with them, so I can be there to explain what is going on. They might see Horatio and the team leaving on a call, or they might catch them coming back."

Horatio smiled, liking the fact that Kai had suggested his idea. He wanted the teachers to see what really went on. He knew if they actually saw what it was like, they would have a new found appreciation for CSIs, and for police in general.

The three teachers and Mrs. Garcia stepped out into the hall to discuss the suggestion. Mrs. Williams, the new fourth grade teacher was on board. She wanted to know more about the jobs that CSIs did. Mr. Suzuki was all for it as well. Mrs. Garcia and Miss Jones were unsure.

"Look at it this way," Mrs. Williams said to the others. "If they go on this field trip to see what it's all about, then maybe just maybe...we'll have a few future CSIs. And then, one day they can come back to the school and say. "Thank you to Mrs. Garcia and our 4th grade teachers for allowing us to go on the field trip to the Miami Dade Police Department Crime Lab, for letting us see what CSIs really do, how they work together to solve a big puzzle. Don't you want them to explore all the possibilities that are out there?"

Mrs. Garcia thought about what she said. "You're right, Mrs. Williams;" she said. "There is a chance we could have future CSIs among the 4th grade classses. But, I think we should do it for all the classes, except the kindergarteners."

"That's a great idea!!" Mr. Suzuki said. "Let's give them a reason to look forward to their future, and let them decide if this is what they want to do."

Meanwhile, as the teachers talked, Bella looked at her mom. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No Bella," Kai said. "I don't think you should've gone off script, but...I'm not mad, I'm proud of you. You guys are doing amazing."

"They all are" Calleigh said as she stood up. "I think this play is going to be very successful. Those of you that have already auditioned were great." she added praising the kids. "Lieutenant Caine and I cannot wait to see how this play goes! We will be here for the play for sure!"

The students talked among themselves, excited to hear that the CSIs would be attending the play.

"Hey Kani," one of twins' friends said. "You're so lucky to have three CSIs in one house! You have the coolest family!!"

Kani beamed. "Thanks Mikey," he said. "That means a lot to me. My mom is a former CSI as well."

The kids encouraged Kai to stand up and talk about what she did. She complied, smiling and telling them how she would wear her hair up in a bun, a mask over her mouth and nose, and goggles over her eyes. "I did this," she told them. "to protect the evidence from own biologicals, which is stuff like saliva."

As she talked to the kids, the teachers and Mrs. Garcia came in, and stood listening to what she had to say. "Mrs. Caine, we have dicussed what you suggested," Mrs. Garcia told Kai. "Two out of the three teachers agree. After the play we will set up a day and told to bring the students to the Miami Dade Police Department Crime Lab."

"You can just call it MDPD Crime Lab" Kai told her. "It's easier and less of a mouth full to say. Thank you all, for agreeing to this! This is valuable information for the kids, in case they ever want to become a CSI."

Horatio and Calleigh nodded backing Kai up on her statement. Horatio couldn't wait to see which kids from the classes would be the most interested, and might grow up to be CSIs themselves.

"We have one more class to do auditions for, then we can go home and rest." Mrs. Garcia said. "You guys are doing amazing. Small hiccup, but it got worked out. Let's keep going guys. And tomorrow, it's going to be me, Mrs. Caine and the teachers"

The kids were growing more excited about the play. "Lieutenant Caine," Mikey said, coming up to talk to Horatio. "Are you coming to the opening night of the play? You can bring the pretty blonde lady."

Calleigh blushed as Horatio nodded. "I wouldn't miss this for the world," he told the kids. "How many kids get to do a play about CSIs? How many kids actually have CSIs as parents but don't say anything because they are embarrassed about what we do? Mrs. Caine, Calleigh and I have nothing to hide from Kalani and Isabella. They know what we do. We don't always talk about it, but if they ask about work we always at least tell them it was a good day, or a bad day."

Mrs. Garcia and the teachers heard what Horatio was saying. They were grateful he didn't go into more details. "Alright, children," Mrs. Garcia said. "Let's finish up so we can get home and fill our bellies with good food!"

Everyone agreed and got back to work on the play. The rest of the auditions went smoothly. As they finished up the try outs, Kai noticed one little girl sitting far away from everyone else. Once everything was said and done, she went over to the little girl and knelt down. "Hello, my name is Mrs. Caine," Kai told the girl softly.

"Hi," the little girl said. "My name is Marranda Smith."

"Well, hello, Miss Marranda Smith," Kai said, smiling. "I'm surprised you're over here all by yourself. Aren't you ready to pack your things and get on the schoolbus to go home?" she asked.

"No," Marranda said sadly. "I don't want to go home tonight."

"What's wrong honey?" she asked. "Is everything alright at home?"

Marranda looked at her, not really wanting to tell her. She felt Kai was a safe person to talk to. "No," she said to Kai. "My mom hurts me, a lot."

"Would you be okay if Officer Duquesne came over and talked to you?" Kai asked gently. "She's a wonderful lady. She's really nice, and she loves kids. I think you'll like her."

Marranda nodded as Kai waved Calleigh over and quietly told her what was going on. "I didn't bring my kit or camera," Calleigh said. "Just my phone." She looked at the little girl. "Come on Marranda," She told her gently. "We're going into the bathroom, to get pictures of your bruises okay?"

Marranda went with Kai and Calleigh to the girls locker room, so that Calleigh could take pictures to document evidence of the abuse. Kai noticed that the little girl was really underweight too. "Sweetheart, when was the last time you ate?" Kai wondered aloud.

"I dunno- last night? Whenever mommy remembers to feed me," Marranda told the. "Sometimes I get really hungry. I see Kani with his lunches that you make and they look and smell so good. Sometimes he offers me some, but I don't want to take his food."

Hearing her talk broke both Calleigh and Kai's hearts. They looked at each other but said nothing.

Meanwhile,back in the gym, the kids were gathering their things. Horatio sat and talked to the twins about the little girl that Kai was focused on. "Kani," Horatio said. "Tell me about that girl mama took into the locker room with Calleigh."

"Who, Marranda?" Kani asked. "I don't know much about her, except she's really skinny and comes to school with bruises."

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Horatio asked him. "We could've had her taken away from her parents by now."

"Because..." Kani said. "I don't know? It's not like I was trying to keep it a secret from you."

As they talked, Kai and Calleigh remained in the locker room with Marranda. A few minutes later, Marranda's mother stormed into the gym. "MARRANDA!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!

In the locker room, Marranda cringed when she heard her mother yelling outside. "Please don't make me go," she begged Kai. "I'm scared."

Mrs. Garica turned and looked at her. "Miss Smith," Mrs. Garcia said calmly. "You need to stop screaming and using profanity."

Miss Smith looked at Mrs. Garcia swaying on her feet. "You can't tell me what to do!" she grumbled at her. "I'm her mom!! I'm here for my damn daughter!!"

"We do not use profanity at this school," The principal told the mother. "We speak politely and try to life the children up."

"Why don't you go back to Mexico?" Miss Smith snarled. "You don't belong here!!"

Back in the locker room Marranda was having an anxiety attack. Calleigh stepped aside and called Frank, while Kai comforted Marranda. "Don't worry, Marranda, we're going to try get you to come home with us, we're not set up for fostering yet," Kai told her softly. But I've been looking into it."

"I just wanna go home and eat something," she told Kai. "I'm really hungry; I wish I had one of those lunches like you make Kani."

Kai's heart broke more hearing that. "May I hug you?" she asked Marranda. "I promise not to hurt you."

Marranda nodded and let Kai hug her. 'This is what it's like to have someone hug you?' she thought to herself. It felt nice, she felt safe. And wanted.

As the little girl put her arms around Kai, her mom came into the locker room. Seeing Kai and Marranda hugging, she flew into a rage. "Get off of my daughter, bitch!!" she shouted. She pulled Kai off of Marranda and shoved her back.

'Oh hell no' Kai thought to herself. 'This is NOT the day and I am NOT the one' She stood up and forced herself between mother and daughter, gently nudging Marranda behind her. "You have activated Mama bear mode lady" Kai told her. "My two kids go to this school. I will NOT tolerate you putting your hands on me, or on your daughter! You have assaulted a police officer! And I have two witnesses to it- Marranda, and Officer Duquesne!"

"Shit- you're cops?!" Miss Smith asked. She panicked and ran out of the locker room. Kai was right on her heels, taking off her shoes to gane more traction.

As Kai was chasing Miss Smith, Frank Tripp showed up at the school with Walter and Ryan. Kai tackled Miss Smith to the ground. "Frank give me your cuffs," Kai requested holding her down.

"Get off me you stupid pig!" Miss Smith said fighting against Kai. "You're heavy!!"

Walter gave Kai his cuffs as Frank was being slow. "You are here by under arrest for assaulting a police officer, as well as for suspected child abuse and neglect," Kai said to Miss Smith. "You have the right to remaining silent; anything that you say can and will be used again you in a court of law. You are allowed an attorney, if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand your rights?" Kai asked, cuffing her and getting her up, then handing her off to Frank.

Miss Smith spit on Kai. "Fucking pig," she said. "Quit eating so much"

Ryan swabbed Kai's cheek, taking a sample from the spit. "What the hell happened here?" Ryan asked as he put the swab away.

Kai launched into details explaining everything that happened after the auditions. The others- Horatio and the kids, the teachers and principal, and Calleigh and Marranda- came out to see Kai giving her statement to Ryan and Walter. "Kai," Horatiio said, going over to her quickly. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"She threw me off of Marranda, just for hugging her," Kai said. "She told me I was heavy," she said looking at Marranda. "Come here sweetheart," she said gently.

Marranda came over to Kai and hugged her. "You saved me," she said. "You protected me. But...what does mama bear mode mean?"

The twins giggled and went over to her. "That means," Bella said. "that our mama found another little one to protect. You."

"H," Kai told him, a hand on Marranda's head. "If she's going into the system, I want to apply to be an emergency foster for her. She's been through so much...I can't let her go into a system where she's going to be hurt again and again. Yes, I'm sure. Yes, I want to do this...please H, please..."

Horatio saw how determined she was and asked the twins. Calleigh is moving out soon, so if Marranda came to stay for a little while, she could sleep in Calleigh's room. "How do you feel about your mom and I doing this?"

Kai turned and looked at the twins, her eyes practically begging them to allow this to happen. Kani looked at Bella. "What do you think?" he asked her

"I think," she said sounding a bit like Horatio. "I think we have a new sorella (sister)"

"Sorella?" Marranda asked. "What does that mean?"

Kai smiled. "It means sister," Kai told her. "I'm half Italian, half Hawaiian. The twins are half Hispanic, a quarter, Italian, and a quarter Hawaiian."

Marranda looked impressed. "Are you really going to take me in Mrs. Caine?"

"Sweetheart we are going to do our very best," she told Marranda. "We're going to do our best to get you into our house as quickly as possible. Horatio works at the MDPD Crime Lab, he is a CSI. Tomorrow, I am hoping that while you three are at school, we can get an emergency paper saying we are taking care of you for right now.

Marranda nodded. "Can I go home with you tonight?" Marranda asked. "Please? I want to eat some good food"

"Of course sweetheart!!" Kai said taking her hand. "Let's go home, are you okay in cars?"

"Yes, I am," she said. "I'm okay with riding in cars even though I don't really like it."

"That's fine," She told Marranda. "In the mornings the twins and I walk to school, I will make you a lunch tomorrow so you can have one just like the ones Kani eats and it's okay if you don't eat it all."

The twins nodded backing her up. "As long as you get something in your belly," Kani said. "Mom doesn't care if you don't eat it all...If there's some left over it just means it's a snack later."

"Or lunch the next day," Bella said going to the car. "Mama never let's anyone leave the house without a full belly."

Kai held the door open for the kids. Bella got in, then Marranda, then Kani. Kai made sure his fingers were out of the way before getting into the passenger side and Horatio in the driver's side. Calleigh was in her own car.

They all drove home and Marranda looked at the house. "Wow..." she said looking up at it. "It's so big!"

Calleigh got out first and locked up the car and waited for Horatio to kill the engine so she could let the kids out.

"Benvenuto nella casa di Caine, Marranda" Kai said. ("Welcome to the house of Caine, Marranda) "We're glad you're here"

"Will I have to learn Italian too?" Marramda asked. "It seems hard."

"You may be like Calleigh and pick up words here and there," Horatio said. "But to Kai and the twins, it's their main language, English their second language."

"Alright, babies and Marranda.." she said. "Let's go inside and wash our hands for dinner! It's one of your favorites!!"

The twins looked at each other. "PIZZA CASSEROLE!!!!" They shouted in unison. "YES!!!

Kai laughed and took her keys out. She unlocked the door letting the kids in first.

"Marranda sweetheart," Kai said gently. "Please take off your shoes okay?"

"Yes ma'am," Marranda said taking off her shoes. "Your house is nice"

"Thank you," Horatio said. "This house called to Mrs. Caine. She knew this house was the one."

"Okay guys," She said gently. "Go wash your hands. We'll get dinner in a couple of minutes."

Kani held his hand out for Marranda. "It's okay," Kani said. "I'm going to show you where the bathroom is"

Marranda took his hand and showed her the bathroom. Bella followed them. Her heart hurt for Marranda. She considered herself lucky to have a good mom and dad.

Once they were done getting their hands washed they went back to the dining room. The plates were on the table with food on them. Kai had a small plate of the pizza casserole and a half a slice of bread for her.

"Oh!" Bella said. "That smells amazing mama!! Thank you!"

"You're welcome," Kai said. "Let's sit down. Please enjoy the food."

Calleigh stood at the counter to eat and took a bite. "Oh!" Calleigh said. "Kai! This is so good!"

Horatio agreed as did Marranda. "I've never had food this good!" Marranda told her. "Thank you so much."

"You're very welcome," She said to her. "I am glad you like it, and it's okay if you don't eat it all, eat what you can."

Marranda smiled and ate what she could, which was a couple of bites of the casserole and a couple of bites of bread.

"Good job!!" Kai praised her. "You did so good!"

She looked at Horatio, she wasn't used to the praise. "Thank you..." Marranda said. "I'm not used to the praise"

"Marranda," Horatio said softly. "Marranda, when we can get you into the house, you'll be praised so much. You'll find it gets easier."

"Alright," Kai said. "Let's go get pajamas on. Bella do you have a spare pair? Maybe a pair to small?"

"Yes, I do!" Bella said. "Come on Marranda, Would you like a bath first?"

"Wait," Marranda said. "You don't mind Really?" She looked over at Kai.

"Yes, of course!" She told Marranda, "Bella will show you how to use the tub. I can wash your clothes tonight, or unless Bella has some clothes that are to small for her."

"Those clothes I have," she told Kai. "Are to small for me, I would like some new clothes...please"

"Oh honey!!" Kai said. "Maybe tomorrow, we'll go shopping, would you like that?"

"Yes!" Marranda said. "Yes please, I would love that!"

Bella took Marranda and showed her how to use the faucet in the bathroom for her bath. Once everything was shown to her, and the water was off, Bella left the bathroom and close the door behind her running out to Kai and hugging her tight.

"Bella," she said softly. "What's wrong? Are you and Kani okay?"

Kai took them over to the couch and sat with them. She wanted to hear what they were feeling, their concerns.

They sat with her and sighed softly. "Mama," Kani said. "Thank you for not hurting us, thank you for walking away when you're angry...thank you for caring about how much or little we eat"

Bella nodded in agreement to what Kani said. They always thought she was to hard on them, seeing Marranda with the bruises and her being so thin made them appreciate their mom more. Both of them would never Kai for granted again.

Once Marranda was done she got out dried off with the towel she was given and pajamas. She hoped the judge would give Kai and Horatio permission to let her stay with them. She never knew what it was to be around nice people other than the teacher and the principal. Marranda went to the living room. "I'm done," she said. "Whomever is next can go now."

Kani went in and got his pajamas and cleaned out of the tub and ran the shower. He never realized how lucky he was to have a mom that loved him so hard and protected them so much, so what if she still walked them to school everyday? So what if she picked them up from school, she was just trying to protect them.

When Kani was done Bella went and took her shower as well. While she was in there she thought of Kai and her walking them to and from school. She was grateful for a great mom, a terrific stepdad, and a grandmother who had loved them very much.

Once she was done and dressed she came out to the living room in her pajamas. "Mama, may we have a snack? Like grapes or something before bed?" Bella asked.

"Of course!" Kai said and went to the kitchen to cut up the grapes and set some out for the three kids.

They went and had the small snack and ate it. As they ate Kai made up the couch for Marranda to sleep on. Kai would stay with her until she fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Calleigh and Horatio had stepped into the front yard to talk about Marranda. "I'm worried about Kai Horatio," Calleigh said. "She's already attached to her, so are the twins...what if you can't get something saying you guys have her in your care? What's Kai going to do? Will cause another set back for her?"

"Calleigh," Horatio said. "I know they are attached already...and I don't know, it might but we won't know until it happens. I want something good to happen for her. I'll go with her to get an emergency foster license, so things like this will help us later on. Maybe if we can swing it, we can adopted Marranda, if not then we'll have some other child."

Back inside the three kids finished up their snacks and went to brush their teeth before Kai tucked them in. Bella showed Marranda where the spare toothbrushes were. As they were brushing their teeth Kai sat in the chair by the couch thinking. 'I wish we could keep her' she thought to herself. 'I really like her, she feels like one of mine already. If we can't keep her then what? Will this set me back? Will we get that license?'

Calleigh and Horatio talked a bit longer as Kai got the kids into bed, she then came out of Bella's room and sat on the couch with Miraanda. "You doing okay?" Kai asked. "I really like having you here."

"I really like being here," Marranda said. "I really hope I get to stay. Can you tell me about yourself a little bit?"

As she was telling Marranda about her childhood Horatio and Calleigh came in to hear her talking about herself. "That flag on the wall," she said pointing to it. "Bella made that in honor of my mother, she was full blooded Italian, my father was full blooded Hawaiian. I can speak both languages fluently and English is my third language."

Marranda struggled to stay awake. It wasn't that she thought Kai was boring because she wasn't, she was tired and she had barely slept the night before because her mother had been drunk and in a mood.

"Sleep now," Kai said. "Things will look better in the morning, keep your chin up."

She nodded and quickly fell asleep. Kai got up off the couch and went over to Horatio and hugged him tight. "Spero che tutto vada a nostro favore H," she told him, her voice full of concern. (I hope this all works out H,) "si merita una buona famiglia e una buona casa" (she deserves a good family and a good home.)

"Conosco Kai," Horatio whispered back to her in Italian. "So che sei preoccupato per lei, ma se non riusciamo a tenerla? Allora cosa? Avrai una battuta d'arresto?" (I know you are worried about her, but what if we can't keep her? Then what? Will you have a set back?)

Calleigh bid the couple a good night and went to her room. She would move tomorrow as it was her day off and she knew Kai would probably want to help for a couple of hours before auditions. They told her goodnight and went into their bedroom and closed the door all but a crack. They continued on with their conversation.

They got into bed and Kai sighed deeply. "I really like her H," Kai said. "I really hope we can keep her. As for the setbacks? I don't know, I won't know until it happens, it might be like this with all the kids that come and go through this house.

He nodded and held her. Horatio rubbed her back. Kai slowly fell asleep, she hoped things would work out in their favor. She would love to take this little girl in, give her a good home, a future. Travel with her. Oh the places they could go with her. Kai could still do her home business, with the blankets. Horatio wanted nothing more than to see his wife over the moon with Marranda in the house. He slowly fell asleep himself dreaming of having another child in the house.
Posts : 119
Join date : 2023-07-14
Age : 47
Location : Anchorage, AK

Dead Cheat - Page 3 Empty Re: Dead Cheat

Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:56 pm
As Kai and Horatio talked, she brought up the fact she wanted the twins to have more freedom. That meant they could start walking to and from school without her. Not until after the play was over, of course. It would be a minor adjustment in their day to day lives.

"Kai, " Horatio asked. "Kai, are you sure about this? The last time they voiced their concerns about it, you flipped out on them. They decided not to ask again, afraid of your reaction."

Kai sighed softly. "I have to let them grow up, H," she said. "They need to be independent, I can't hold their hands forever. I have to let them be the big kids I know they are. I can't call them babies anymore because they're not babies." A few tears fell. "It's time to let them learn to fly. I know, it's a few more years before they leave...they'll always be my babies and I won't always agree with what they say or do but.." Kai paused, trying not to get too emotional. "I know they love and respect me enough to be okay with this. They have been craving this freedom for sometime. Their Mama is too stubborn and hard headed to let them go."

Horatio pulled her into him and rubbed her back. "It's hard," he said. "I can see this wasn't an easy choice for you." He kept rubbing her back. "It's hard for any parent to let go."

She nodded. "To me," Kai said. "I still see them as little ones that need me. But they don't need me as much now." She tried to calm down. "They need me to cut the apron strings. It hurts to let go; I wanna protect them forever, but, I can't. They don't need to be sheltered. They should go and be with friends. Sleep over, at friends' houses, have playdates...their friends should want to come over...."

Kai broke down completely in Horatio's arms. "I don't know if I can do it. I still want to get our foster license, but ...having another child who is as broken as I am? I can't, not right now."

After Horatio got her calmed down, he promised he would find a family member to take Marrranda in. Kai hugged him tightly and started to fall asleep on his chest. He knew it would be a long night and very little sleep for her.

The next morning, Kai was up and making breakfast and lunches for the three of them. She made Marranda's lunch too, and put them in baggy so it would be easier for her to throw away.

Calleigh was up as well. "Good morning Kai," she said cheerfully. "How did you sleep?"

The twins came out before she could answer. "Morning!!" they said in unison.

"Morning," Kai said. "Not very well...kids.." She looked over and saw the twins. "Hey, you two are up already! What about Marranda?"

"Marranda is getting dressed," Bella said. "Are you okay mama? You look so tired."

"No," Kai said. "Not really. As you may have noticed, I didn't say a certain word this morning. It is no longer needed."

"You've been saying it for so long," Kani said. "What's going on? Are we in trouble?"

Kai served them breakfast and took a deep breath. "Ba- Kani, Bella," she started, then caught herself slipping back into calling them babies. "As of this morning you'll be walking to school. You'll still walk home with me until after the play, but after that you'll walk home without me. It's time I let go a little- but not all the way, not all at once."

The three of them stared at her as Horatio came out of the bedroom. As did Marranda. This was huge for Kai. The last time the twins had suggested it, Kai had freaked out on them. Calleigh and the twins knew this was a big step for her. Kai saw Horatio and gave him his coffee and Marranda her breakfast.

For a few moments nobody spoke. "Would someone please say something?" Kai asked finally. "Please, it bothers me no one is talking."

"Mama..." Bella said, looking at her twin. "Thank you! This means a lot to us! Thank you for trusting us!"

"I will stand at the end of the driveway, though," Kai told them. "I will not back down on that, or on waiting on the porch for you to come home."

"Deal!" they nearly shouted in unison, and went to hug her. "We won't let you down mama!!" Kani said happily.

She hugged them back. Both Calleigh and Horatio knew this was killing Kai on the inside. Calleigh left ahead of Horatio for work. He stayed back and kissed her. "It will be okay." he told her. He was proud of her for letting the twins have a little freedom.

Before the three kids left for school, Kai called Mrs. Garcia to let her know that the three kids were walking to school without her."

"Yes ma'am," Mrs. Garcia said. "Will you still pick them up?"

"Until after the play." Kai said. "And if they are sick of course. They will be headed out soon." Kai then hung up and made sure everything was in their bags and hugged them. She grabbed her keys and locked up as she walked them out. Once they were at the end of the driveway she squeezed the twins' hands. "Have a great day!" she told them as they joined the other neighborhood kids leaving their houses to walk to school.

The three of them fell in step with some of the other kids and Kai watched them. The other parents went inside to get ready for work. Kai kept watching as the twins looked back to wave. When she could no longer see them she went back inside and cried.

Over at PD, Horatio had Frank search for Marranda's aunt, or any other family she might have. Horatio sat in his office thinking about Kai. He had just picked up the phone to call her when Calleigh came in. He looked up.

"Horatio," Calleigh said. "Did Kai really let the twins walk to school by themselves? What happened to have her change her mind on that?"

"She did," Horatio said. "It wasn't an easy decision for her. She heard the twins when they said they wanted more independence from her. She cried herself to sleep in my arms last night. I don't think she slept well. I can bet she's curled up crying now. You noticed she called them by name, and didn't call them babies."

"I did," Calleigh said. "That was killing her wasn't it? She's called them babies from day one. I can't remember a single day when that word didn't come out of her mouth."

As they talked, Kai called, and Horatio answered quickly. "Kai," he said. "Kai, we are so proud of you, sweetheart! You can do this, I know it's hard but you did an amazing job. I have Frank working on trying to find Marranda's aunt or another family member she can go live with."

Kai didn't say anything, but Horatio knew she heard as he was met by a hiccup. "Can we cuddle tonight?" Kai asked. She sounded defeated.

"Of course we can," he said. "Until you go to the auditions, keep yourself and your mind busy. We'll see you for dinner. I love you, Kailani."

"I love you too, H" she said hanging up quickly.

Both CSIs sighed and left the office. Horatio would worry about her all day, but he was still proud of her.

Back at the house Kai was getting food out for dinner. She then cleaned the house from top to bottom. When she looked at the clock it was 11 a.m.; she went to find a snack, but decided against it. Kai started dinner in the crockpot instead and started to crochet a new blanket. She was now working on her business.

Kai looked at her phone at 2 p.m., and got ready to go. As she was getting ready, Horatio called.

She answered. "Hello handsome, what's up?" Kai asked. "Any word about Marranda?"

Horatio chuckled. "I called to mainly check in on you." he said with a bit of worry in his voice. "You hung up so quickly earlier."

Kai switched the call to Facetime to show him, that she was okay, no cuts. "I cried," she confessed. "I cleaned, and I started a new blanket. I'm starting to work on my business. I'm getting ready to head to the school for the auditions. Dinner is in the crockpot. Nothing fancy, chicken, soup and spices. I will cook up noodles later. It was hard H, but I have to let them learn to fly. I have to go. I love you, I'll see you later." She then hung up, and left the house.

Horatio stood there and looked at the phone, confused. "That's twice," he said. "That she's done that." It annoyed him a little bit, but he understood this was new ground for her and she was feeling hurt and pain from letting go.

As he put his phone away Walter and Frank came up to him at the same time. "Gentlemen," Horatio said. "Frank, what about the little girl? Walter what do we know?"

Frank went first. "She has an aunt that I called in the next county over," Frank said. "The last time she saw Marranda was when she was three, before Marranda's mom started using drugs. Dad can't take her- her dad died in a car crash, but the aunt can. The aunt's name is Sarash Simsen. She has a foster license and can take Marranda in and care for her. The judge is granting her custody."

"That's great," Horatio said, giving Frank a half smile. "That will put my wife mind to rest. Though, she's going through a rough time right now. Big changes."

"Well then," Walter said looking at him, not wanting to tell him. "I'm sorry to tell you, but it's about to get a little bit roughter..."

Both men looked at him. "What do you mean?" Horatio asked. "Has something happened, Mr. Simmons?"

Walter sighed. "Yes," he said finally, reluctant. "Eric Delko broke out of jail between sometime last night and this morning. How? We don't know; that's the million dollar question. Kai could be in some danger, but frankly it's more the twins we're worried about. We think Delko may come after them."

Horatio sighed. He knew he would have to tell Kai. That would be the end of the twins walking to school on their own. But if he didn't tell her, she would never forgive him. He was caught between a rock and a hard place. "We need to find him NOW!!" he said. "We need to make sure the twins aren't touched or harmed in any way! Kai will lose her mind and go looking for them herself if they are in danger. She WILL die for those kids, and she will kill for them... no questions asked."

Both men ran off to start the investigation. Horatio knew he couldn't bother Kai, but he did call the school to let them know what was going on. Mrs. Garcia listened to his concerns and decided to skip auditions. She went to the teachers and pulled them out of their rooms to explain what was going on.

"Mrs. Caine isn't going to like this," Mr. Suzuki said. "How are you going to tell her? Are you going to tell her that the twins are in danger?"

"I don't know," Mrs. Garcia said honestly. "And no, I'm not. It's not my place. But it's our job to keep them safe."

Kai walked in the school just as Marranda's aunt came in. "Are you Mrs. Caine?" she asked Kai.

"Yes, I am," Kai said. "How may I help you Miss...?"

"Oh!" she said. "My name is Sarah Simsen. I'm Marranda's aunt. A crude officer by the name of Frank Tripp told me you and your husband took her in for the night."

"Oh! Yes we did!" Kai exclaimed. she told Sarah everything she knew. "She is an amazing young lady. Please call me if you ever want her to come stay the night. The twins would love it!" She gave Sarah, her phone number.

Sarah nodded and took it. "That's a great idea!" she said happily. "Sorry she won't be in this school anymore."

"That's alright," Kai told her. "She deserves to be with family that will love and care for her. And don't mind Frank; he's always that crude. I've called him a fat pig in Italian, more than once." Both women laughed.

Meanwhile, not far from the school, Eric was hiding out in an abandoned house. "Don't worry, kids," he said to himself out loud. "Papi will have you soon enough. I'll take good care of you, you'll forget your Italian and you WILL know Spanish!" He sat there, alone and scheming, trying to figure out how to get the kids without Kai immediately noticing they were gone.

Mrs. Garcia came back to the office after talking to the teachers, and saw Sarah. "May I help you ma'am?" she asked.

"Yes," she said. "My name is Sarah Simsen and I'm Marranda Smith's aunt. I have paperwork saying I am to take her home with me. I will need her paperwork, and transcripts. My sister was arrested for neglect and abuse."

Mrs. Garcia told the secretary to get started on the paperwork. Then turned to Kai. "We have canceled auditions today. We will resume them tomorrow."

"Is there a reason as to why the audition is canceled?" Kai asked. "It's only going on day two of tryouts. If something is going one I need to know."

"Well..." Mrs. Garcia began, clearly hesitant to tell Kai what she'd heard.

Kai knew Mrs. Garcia was stalling. "Come on! If there's something going on and my kids are in danger I have a right to know! I'm a former CSI for God's sake, I can handle whatever this is."

In the interim, Horatio had headed for the school. He walked in and overheard the conversation just as Kai raised her voice, her thick accent coming out. "Kai," he said, pulling her aside. "Kai, I need to talk to you, right now!"

She spun on him, pissed. "Che cazzo sta succedendo?!" (What the fuck is going on?!" she demanded swearing at him in Italian, knowing the principal didn't know Italian. "I gemelli sono in pericolo? DIMMI!!" ("Are the twins in danger? TELL ME!!")

"Eric è evaso di prigione," (Eric has broken out of prison") he said. "Walter pensa di volere i gemelli, non te." ("Walter thinks he is after the twins, not you.)

Kai went off on a tangent. "Dovrebbe essere in prigione!" Kai told him. ("He's supposed to be in jail!) "Doveva lasciarci in pace! Perché non può lasciarci dannatamente in pace H?! PERCHÉ?!" ("He was supposed to leave us alone! Why can't he just leave us the hell alone H?! WHY?!"

The whole school could hear Kai's freak out. Other than Horatio, the twins were the only ones that knew Italian and they heard everything. Neither of them liked what they heard. They knew Kai was justified in being angry and scared, especially if it came to them.

Parents were called to come and get their kids, since auditions were canceled that day. Horatio was in the office with a frantic Kai. Both he and Mrs. Garcia were trying to calm her down, but nothing seemed to be working until Horatio suggested they go get the twins together. She nodded and took his hand.

"I'm sorry," Kai said to Mrs. Garcia. "I was out of line. But when it comes to Isabella and Kalani...they are my heart and soul, and I would lose my mind if anyone took them."

"Will they still be allowed to walk to school on their own?" Mrs. Garcia asked. "They did quite well today."

Kai nodded. "But," she said. "You have to call me right away if they don't make it. Promise me!!"

Mrs. Garcia promised and they left the office to get the kids. Kai took off sprinting. "Kani...Bella..." she shouted, calling for them.

Both kids came as soon as they heard their mom, and hugged her tight. "Mama..." Kani said. "Mama, we're scared."

"Let's go home," Kai said. "Let's go home and cuddle before dinner, we'll listen to some Hawaiian music to calm us. I've got chicken in the crockpot. It's not an Italian dinner tonight, it's just random. Or we can have pizza...whatever you want."

She knelt down for Kani to climb on her back, as Horatio knelt down for Bella. The four of them walked out to Horatio's Hummer together. Once they were in and buckled up, they drove to PD for Horatio to turn in the Hummer. The drive to PD was a silent one. Kai sat in the front fuming; the twins were in the back holding hands, as quiet as can be. They were so silent that Horatio had to check the rearview a few times to make sure they were still there.

Inside PD, Calleigh shivered. The weatherman had called for cooler weather that night, but nothing brought her chills like Kai did when she was so angry she wasn't talking. "Hey Calleigh what's up?" Ryan asked seeing her shudder. "Is the weather getting to you?"

"No," Calleigh said. "It's not the weather, it's a certain Italian we all know. She's pissed and there is no cracking her."

"How do you know that?" he asked. "She's not even here! Are you an expert on Kai or something. Or psychic maybe?"

Calleigh gave him the 'Just wait' look and went back to work.

Horatio pulled up at PD shortly there after. He and Kai and the twins got out of the Hummer and went inside. Horatio went to check in at reception to turn his keys in. "Hello, Danielle," he said.

Danielle smiled at him. "Hey Lieutenant Caine," she said, taking his keys and handing him his own car keys. "Who's the pretty lady?"

"A very pissed off Italian," Horatio said. "Her name is Kailani Caine, she's my wife. And those are my kids," he added, pointing them out.

"You have a beautiful family," Danielle said. "And a knockout wife."

As Horatio and Danielle chatted, Kai tapped her foot impatiently, ready to go. She barely looked at Calleigh. She was seeing red.

Ryan finally saw what Calleigh meant, and he shivered as well. He didn't know Kai as well as Alexx, Calleigh, or Horatio did, but just the look on her face...If looks could kill, everyone in PD would've been dead.

Alexx happened to be working late and saw the four of them. She had never seen or heard Kai so quiet. Alexx found Calleigh and whispered. "Is it as cold as my morgue up here, or is it just me?"

"Yeah," Calleigh whispered back. "Eric is out of jail. And from Kai's reaction I would say Horatio told her about it, and now she's freezing everyone out, including him."

"Oh for heaven sakes," Alexx said walking over to Kai. "You need to stop this nonsense. You can't freeze out your husband or kids."

Kai came back to herself when she heard Alexx talking to her. "Who said I'm freezing him out?" she demanded in a not so nice tone. "I'm not freezing him out, I'm pissed. I have every RIGHT to be pissed!! ERIC IS OUT OF JAIL, ALEXX!!"

Calleigh rushed over to grab the twins and walked them to the locker room. If everyone was about to start shouting, she didn't want the kids around to hear it.

Horatio grabbed Kai by the waist and pulled her to him. "Non vale la prigione, Kai," he told her. ("She's not worth the jail time) "Lascia perdere, concentrati sui gemelli e su come proteggerli. Hai mangiato oggi?" ("Let it go, focus on the twins and how to protect them. Have you eaten today?)

Kai leaned into him. She looked up at him and shook her head. "Ero troppo preoccupato per i bambini tutto il giorno," Kai admitted. ("I was to worried about the kids all day,") "non riuscivo a mangiare." ("I couldn't eat") Her stomach growled as she looked at Alexx. "I'm sorry..I know I'm being a bitch right now...I thought it was over with Eric. I miss you, but I'm too stubborn and hard headed. I'm sorry for every bad thing I've ever said and done, and I'm sorry for being a horrible friend to you. All I did was care." She turned to Horatio. "Let's go," she said, walking away to find the twins.

"Lieutenant Caine," Danielle said. "She doesn't have clearance."

Ryan looked at her. "Are you going to tell Hurricane Kailani that?" he asked. "I sure as hell don't want to be in your shoes. Besides as Horatio always says, she out ranks us, she's retired as a Captain."

Down the hall, Kai found the locker room. "Babies?" she called out. "Are you in here?" They ran to her and hugged her. Kai looked at Calleigh and nodded to her; Calleigh nodded back. Kai then took the kids out front again to where Horatio was. He put his arm around her and let them all out of PD. He decided that tonight was a good night to have McDonald's, a bit of junk food on a stressful day. The chicken in the crockpot wouldn't go to waste; he knew Kai would send him to work with it in the morning. Tonight was about making everyone feel better, and about talking over what the twins had heard and how to fix it.

After they got the food and went home to eat, Kai turned off the crock pot so it could cool before bed. They all ate in silence before Bella spoke up. "Dad, Mama," she said looking between them. "Did Eric get out of jail? Is that why you yelled at school and at Alexx?"

"Yes," Kai admitted, taking a drink of her Sprite. "We don't know how, but dad and his team are on it..." Kai paused, looking at them. "I have a question for you both; it's very important."

The twins looked at her and nodded. Both kids wanted to keep walking to school despite the danger. The new freedom was huge for them and they loved it, but they wouldn't blame their mom if she insisted on walking them to school until Eric was caught.

Kai took a deep breath. "Do you two want to go to school tomorrow?" she asked them. "If you do, would you like me to follow you? Or do you still want to walk by yourselves?"

The twins looked at each other. They were unsure of what to do. If they stayed home then they would be safe with their mom. Nothing would happen that day, and the teachers could carry on with the auditions. Or they could risk it and go to school, because they were just trying to be big kids. The two spoke in their own little twin speak about what to do. Eventually they decided to go to school tomorrow, without Kai, and they told her so.

Kai forced a smile onto her face, even though it broke her inside. She knew what might happen tomorrow. "You don't want a skip day?" Kai asked, hopefully. "We can spend the day together, go in the backyard, make our pizzas...scrapbook..."

"No," Kani said. "We're aware of the dangers, if we can survive everything that's happened to us so far, we can survive this. We know not to fight, we'll get hurt if we do. You have to quit being so afraid, mama. We'll be fine."

Kai felt like had been slapped in the face by Kani's words. She nodded. She didn't get mad or yell, which surprised Horatio and the twins. "Excuse me," she said, throwing her trash away. She grabbed her stuff and went to sit outside and think.

The words spoken were spoken by a young man tired of being sheltered and protected. Kai recognized that, and she couldn't blame Kani. Her mother had always told her to let go of the reins a little, and let the kids make their mistakes. "You can't make them hold your hand forever, no matter how much you want them to stay small," she had always said.

Inside the twins got up and threw their trash away and went to start on their homework. Horatio waited inside, letting Kai have space to process. 'At least she didn't run this time,' he thought to himself. He was quickly jolted from his thoughts when Walter called. "Mr. Simmons, give me some news," he said picking up the phone.

Walter launched into his explanation of what had happened. As Horatio talked on the phone inside, Kai got up and walked the path to the school. Little did she know that Eric was outside, waiting for the kids to walk by. When Kai appeared alone, he made a quick change of plans, seeing the opportunity and taking it. He hit her in the back of the head, hard, and knocked her out. He then took her back to the abandoned house he was staying in.

Inside the old house, Eric smiled to himself. "I finally got you, Lani," he told her as he undressed himself. "We can have more kids...I'll raise them so they only know Spanish and English. You won't be in their lives, I'll keep you until they are born and then – you’re out." He proceeded to rape Kai, just as she was coming to. He knew there was nothing she could do; he had tied her hands, gagged and blindfolded her. She would listen to him and only him, whether she liked it or not.
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